PRF for Under Eyes
In Northern VirginiaUnder Eye Rejuvenation
AVERAGE COST: $750/treatment
PRF is a treatment that utilizes platelet rich fibrin to minimize dark circles, hollowness, and crepey skin in the under eye region.
While fillers dominate the market and tear trough filler is a very popular procedure at our Ashburn, VA Mountcastle Medical Spa and Laser Center, the PRF treatment for under eyes is quickly growing in popularity due to its more natural basis.
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is extracted from your own blood during your visit at Mountcastle Medical Spa and Laser Center. The PRF is filled with high concentrations of fibrin, white blood cells, and stem cells. Studies have shown that PRF treatments stimulate collagen growth and new skin cells.
Patients seeking to resolve or minimize fine lines and wrinkles, thin, crepe-y skin, hollowness, or dark circles in the under eye region are ideal candidates for PRF. Since PRF utilizes your own stem cells and growth factors and results are gradual, patients note the results as looking very natural and long-lasting.
PRF for Under Eyes Results

At the beginning of the appointment, your blood will be drawn by one of our nurses or medical assistants at Mountcastle Medical Spa and Laser Center. Those vials are then placed into a centrifuge where the platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is extracted.
The PRF is then injected into the under eye area by one of our skilled injectors where it will start to stimulate collagen growth over the next few weeks.
A PRF for under eyes appointment takes approximately 30 minutes.

At Mountcastle Medical Spa and Laser Center in Ashburn, VA, PRF for under eyes is performed by one of our highly trained injectors. The procedure from start to finish will last approximately 30 minutes. A series of 2-3 treatments are recommended, 4 weeks apart for best results. Most patients will start to see results around 2-3 weeks post their first treatment.
Some redness and swelling is to be expected immediately after the treatment. These side effects usually subside within the first few days post treatment.
Each patient will be evaluated at their first appointment by one of our experienced injectors in our Ashburn, VA medical spa to determine whether they’re a better candidate for PRF or filler.
Filler provides a feeling of instant gratification, whereas PRF is a gradual process.
However, filler does not solve the issue of thin, crepe-y skin or dark circles.
Right after the treatment, patients will experience redness, swelling, and possible bruising to the injection area. These side effects should subside within the first week.
Due to a blood draw, it’s best to come to your appointment well-hydrated.