In Northern VirginiaJUVÉDERM®
Dermal Filler
AVERAGE COST: $750/syringe
JUVÉDERM® is an injectable consisting of hyaluronic acid that lessens facial lines and wrinkles for a softer, younger appearance.
Board-certified plastic surgeon in Ashburn, VA, Dr. Timothy Mountcastle offers patients JUVÉDERM®, a non-invasive hyaluronic acid-based filler that replenishes lost volume and improves the outer appearance of the skin.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the dermis that works to keep our skin hydrated and supple. As we age, this valuable component naturally stops being produced by our bodies. Patients have made this a popular injectable for areas where wrinkles are really close together because Juvederm will spread out beyond the injection site to cover a bigger area. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Juvederm has been put to the test against other notable brands, and in clinical studies has been shown to be both safe and highly effective.

During your appointment, the areas of the injection sites will be marked and thoroughly cleaned prior to the treatment. With the possible comfort of local anesthesia and a numbing solution contained within JUVÉDERM®, the filler will be injected into the skin. After each injection, light pressure and a cooling ointment are applied to the area. Other than feeling a tingling sensation and some visible redness in the areas of the injections, there are usually no other side effects. Most patients are able to return to work with no downtime after their 15-30 minute Juvederm procedure.
The majority of patients who receive Juvederm will notice remarkable improvements after their very first treatment with results lasting up to one year. Patients are generally thrilled with the fast-acting, visible results that the injections provide. Since hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body, JUVÉDERM® side effects are typically minimal with no missed time from normal activity.
Injectable fillers have made major advancements in the past two decades and offer a terrific cosmetic solution for patients who desire specific results without surgery. While hyaluronic acid fillers are a great choice for many patients, there are others to choose from that can garner youthful, smooth skin. Common filler procedures include those that are comprised of collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite, and polylactic acid. During your consultation, we will discuss the various fillers that are available today and will work to understand your aesthetic goals so that the best filler choice can be made.
Juvederm Voluma
As some men and women age, they may experience a natural loss of volume in their cheeks. This creates a sunken, gaunt look that can be addressed by our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Timothy Mountcastle, with a derma filler. From the Juvéderm® family, Voluma is the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid (HA) filler that instantly adds a subtle lift and volume in the cheeks to restore a more youthful contour to the face and profile. Formulated with lidocaine for added comfort, Voluma painlessly addresses the hollows of the cheeks and improve wrinkles around the nose and mouth. Patients, at the Ashburn, VA Mountcastle Medical Spa considering Voluma, should be at least 21 years of age.
Using a think syringe, the cosmetic surgeon injects Voluma into the apex, apple and hollow of the patient’s cheek. Results are immediate, and can last up to 2 years. Side effects are considered mild to moderate, and can last between 2 and 4 weeks. The most common side effects are tenderness, swelling, firmness, bumps, bruising, redness, itching or discoloration at the injection site.
Juvederm® Vollure XC
At Mountcastle Plastic Surgery & Vein Institute, we are excited to be one of the first in the Northern Virginia region to offer our patients a new injectable filler for wrinkles and folds around the face called Juvéderm Vollure XC. Made with the Allergan VYCROSS® technology, this hyaluronic gel filler helps to repair moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. This FDA approved treatment can last up to 18 months after initial treatment.
After your consultation with one of our medical professionals, you will have an in-office appointment for your first Vollure XC injections.Every dosage is personalized for each patient. The area will be cleansed and marked before the syringe goes into the skin. To limit pain, a topical numbing cream can be added to the injection site, however, the medication is mixed with lidocaine for this reason. Patients will feel a small amount of pain, but it can be controlled. After the appointment is over, you should limit heavy exercise, sun exposure, and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours.
During your consultation, be prepared to answer some personal health history questions to see if you are an ideal patient for this prescription. You may not be a good candidate if you have severe allergies,or a allergy to Lidocaine. You should tell anyone performing laser treatments or chemical peels that you have had the Vollure XC injection as you may risk inflammation in the treatment area.
Juvederm Volbella
juvederm volbella is that latest Hyaluronic acid based filler from allergan. It became approved by the FDA June 1, 2016. Unlike juvederm and voluma it is mainly used for lip volume, contouring the lip, and helping smooth those pesky upper lip lines so much of us complain about. This filler is different from juvederm ultra or ultra plus because it attracts less water after the injection causing much less swelling and bruising. Juvederm Volbella can last from 12-14 months which also makes it different than any other soft tissue filler used for lip enhancement.
- Into the lips for volume
- Oral commissure to help with downward turn mouth
- Upper and lower lip lines or “smoker’s lines”
- Superficial smile lines
- Crows feet
- Under the eyes
Volbella can be used in conjunction with voluma and or juvederm depending on how much volume loss is present. Volbella is great for the mouth area and improving the more superficial etched in lines that are there at rest whereas juvederm and voluma are really adding volume to areas like the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and cheeks. When combining Volbella with other allergan injectables you benefit from earning brilliant distinctions points and getting money back towards your next injectable treatment!
We find that Volbella has significantly less downtime than the other injectables because it attracts less water than any of the other fillers keeping the swelling to a minimum. An ice pack will be provided to help lessen and discomfort, swelling, or bruising. You will be asked to return in 2 weeks for a follow up.
It is easier to shape and mold due to the vycross technology which gives it a greater degree of range in the balance of elasticity and cohesivity.
Creates less swelling at the area it’s been injected due to lower HA concentration drawing less moisture and causing less reactionary inflammation Due to it being less viscous, it is smoother and easier to inject (lower extrusion force required) than the more viscous juvederm ultra.
Due to the fact that volbella lasts longer than juvederm and restylane the overall cost savings is increased as less product would need to be used over a year’s time and less injections needed. For example, having to get 1 juvederm injection every six months for a total of 2 in a year would cost more than 1 injection of volbella which would last a year.
The injection may cause some discomfort, although the size of the needle is very small. Lidocaine, a numbing solution, is contained within Juvederm to help diminish pain after the treatment. Our team will work hard to ensure patient comfort, and may choose to apply a local anesthetic to numb the area.
Although fillers have proved to be a terrific solution to make skin appear younger, there are other options to consider. Fat grafting, BOTOX and Dysport, as well as plastic surgery, all hold the potential to provide tremendous improvements to the skin. During the initial consultation, our team will discuss the comprehensive options and give recommendations for the absolute best procedure tailored to each patient’s desired outcome. This may include a combination of cosmetic treatments.
A Juvederm injection reduces fine lines and wrinkles for a softer appearance. While this product will not make you look 20 again, it will minimize the lines and wrinkles on the face, and provide a youthful glow that many patients desire. It is important to set realistic expectations. This will be discussed in detail during your consultation.
* All information subject to change. All gallery images contain real patients and are the property of Mountcastle Plastic Surgery & Vein Institute. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.